
Alan Araujo Real Estate is more than a luxury real estate service.  In addition to placing you in a high-end residence at a convenient price, we strive to ensure your stay in Miami is exceptional.

Whether you are looking to rent, buy, or sell a property, Alan Araujo delivers the highest caliber for the best price. Our team of seasoned, bi-lingual professionals has over a decade of success within the Miami real estate market, and we have a long list of satisfied customers who can attest to our excellence.

Looking for a vacation rental?  Alan Araujo can get you a reservation at South Beach’s most exclusive properties for less than the hotel rate. In addition to arranging your “stay”, our team will help you coordinate your “play” on the beach.

Before you book your trip, list your property, or start looking for a place to live, call Alan Araujo.  We are proud to serve as your Miami connection.

Call today – (305) 742-4220

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